Employment Responsibility

Our ethos of corporate responsibility extends deeply into the realm of employment, where we prioritize the well-being, safety, and professional growth of every individual within our workforce.

From implementing stringent occupational health and safety protocols to fostering an environment of gender equality and diversity, we aim to cultivate a workplace where every employee feels valued, respected, and empowered.

Through transparent remuneration practices, robust training and development initiatives, and responsive pandemic policies, we strive to uphold our dedication to nurturing a vibrant and resilient workforce.

MAP Sustainability Initiatives

Initiatives for Employment Responsibility

Occupational Health and Safety

As a retail company, our success heavily depends on our employees. The retail industry is a labor-intensive industry and our company impacts more than 20,000 employees. Therefore providing a safe, healthy and comfortable workplace is a must. We ensure that employees have access to basic needs. Apart from ensuring adequate ventilation, water and light, we also ensure safety aspects such as light fire extinguishers, evacuation routes, and muster points. We also provide an in-house clinic to maintain the health of our employees, providing a nursing room, musholla and a prayer room to fulfill the spiritual needs of our employees.

To build a comfortable and friendly working atmosphere, MAP encourages activities that involve employees participations. These activities are expected to help our employees to improve their mental health and get to know each other, so as to increase cooperation between employees. Staff Day is an example of this activity. Staff Day is attended by employees of all levels, from staff level to Board of Directors. This opportunity is used to get to know each other and carry out activities that help to build cooperation between teams.

We also show our gratitude to the employees who have dedicated themselves to the Company’s development, through awards such as Employee of the Year and awards for 10 years with MAP. By giving these awards, we hope that we will be able to increase employees’ enthusiasm to compete in a healthy manner to achieve better performance achievements.

Gender Equality

As a company that was born and developed in Indonesia, we have also adopted the motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity) in our employment practices. In addition, the P.E.O.P.L.E principles have made us continue to strive to produce a conducive work environment without discrimination. At MAP, we value equal opportunity, a culture of mutual respect that is expressed in the Company’s code of conduct. All violations of the code of conduct can be reported to the whistleblower channel.

We have also taken and obtained EDGE certification at the Assess level. EDGE is an international institution that provides certification in the field of gender equality. Four things are assessed in EDGE certification, namely:

  • Gender equality in all positions
  • Equality of remuneration
  • Policies and practices that support gender equality
  • Inclusive corporate culture

Collective Labor Agreement

MAP also support the formation of the MAP labor union. Every two years, trade unions and companies negotiate to formulate a collective labor agreement. These negotiations and agreements are very important to build a harmonious and mutually understanding relationship between the company and employees. Collective labor agreements cover topics such as: work relations, rights and obligations, working days and hours and overtime, days off for leave and leave of work, wages and assessment of work results, occupational health and welfare safety, code of conduct and work discipline, sanctions and warnings, termination of employment, and resolution of complaints.

Wages and Remuneration

In accordance with the labor regulations, no MAP employee is paid below the Regional Minimum Wage where they work. We also provide a transparent online assessment system that encourages our employees to excel. Mandatory allowances such as BPJS have also been provided by the Company, while all allowances and holidays are written in the collective working agreement.

Statement of Child Labor and Forced Labor

We do not employ child labor or forced labor in all of our activities. We always ask all our employees for a photocopy of their KTP to be used as a database and at the same time prove that the employees concerned is of age to work. We also negotiate, show and ask for approval of a work agreement that contains job description, remuneration, and rights and obligations related to the job to all of our employees before they start working with MAP.

Employee Training and Development (404-1)

More than 80% of our employees are graduates of elementary/junior/high schools. Therefore, it is important for us to provide quality education and training, to facilitate all our employees, to be able to possess sufficient expertise and opportunities to establish their career path in MAP.

Among the professional training programs we provide are through:

  • MAP Retail Academy, which focuses on soft skills and certification preparation.
  • Online training.
  • Internal training.

As vocational schools or majors of retail specifically are not yet available in Indonesia, therefore we introduce MAP Retail Academy as the center of excellence in retail education. The MAP Retail Academy curriculum is based on international curriculum standards, such as Australian Retailers Association. MAP Retail Academy has also been registered with the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), so the academy will be able to give contribution to Indonesian retail to be competitive in the industrial world 4.0.

Average Employee Training Hours

Remark 2021 2020
Training Hours 384,149 289,796 673,945 265,851 192,513 458,364
Total Employees 11,094 9,665 20,759 11,905 8,862 20,767
Average Training Duration (Hour/Employee) 34.6 30.0 32.5 22.3 21.7 22.1

MAP Retail Academy’s Trainings

Remark 2021 2020
Total Total
Personal development 15,317 14,103
Well being 12,299 4,658
Selling skills 9,800 7,370
Leadership 8,982 7,696
Customer service 6,048 4,765
Total 52,446 38,592

Access iActive Module

Soft skills 5,198 3,070
Technical Skills 5,177 3,893
New System 5,146 3,990
Total Access 15,521 10,953

Everyone was entitled to those training programs without being discriminative in terms of their personal backgrounds.

Pandemic Policy

Throughout the pandemic, we implement strict health protocols for both stores and head office employees. We run a Work from Home initiative to maintain the health of our employees. For employees who still have to work in stores and offices, apart from reminding and supervising them to implement health protocols, we also distribute masks, hand sanitizers and other medical equipment.

Manpower Issues Complaints Mechanism

All complaints or questions related to labor issues can be submitted to the Human Resources department. To facilitate communication, the HR department has also prepared MAP PEEPS, a whatsapp-based platform that can be used by all employees to submit questions to the HR team. Employees can also submit their complaints to the Employee Forum, the Forum will later convey the complaint to the HR team. All violations related to the code of conduct can be reported through the Company’s whistleblowing channel.

Rp1.4 Billion Allocated for Social and Environmental Responsibilities

In total, the amount of funds MAP spent on Social and Environment Responsibilities in 2020 amounted to Rp1.4 billion.